
5 Goals that will elevate your career in 2022

2022 is here and you have a blank page opened before you. How do you want this year’s story to go? If 2020 taught us anything, it is the fact that we do not always control how our year will go. We however still need to take charge of what we have in our control. Let one of the things you decide to control be your career. Here are a few goals you can focus on to make 2022 the year you smash your career growth.

Seek to advance in your career

New Year, no better time than now to take a good look at your current role, salary, company and skills and decide on how you can advance. Growth is important if you want to remain engaged at work, so be eager to pursue new avenues for more challenging opportunities. Set goals that will allow you to move a step further in your job role by the end of the year.

Subscribe to a podcast or a blog

Increase your knowledge and keep yourself abreast with industry news and happenings by subscribing to podcasts on topics related to your job. Listen to learn from other professionals in your field and gain insights that can keep you relevant and informed.

Commit to reading one book a month

Reading is still an important way to keep yourself informed. Having a goal to read one self-development or career-related book each month will go a long way to help you. Reading is a great habit to cultivate if you intend to grow in your career.

Join a Professional Body or Get a certification

This may be expensive and you may need to properly plan for it. The benefits will however be worth the investment. Certifications improve your credibility and increase your chances for better job opportunities. You also get to network with people in your industry which is a great advantage to help your career growth.

Commit to learning a new skill

What is the one skill that can greatly improve your resume? Whether it is coding, digital skills, app development, Microsoft office proficiency or other soft skills, make the effort to make yourself more relevant by improving your skillset. Learn a new skill that will put you above others in your industry.

Make 2022 count in your career development. You have what it takes to make an impact in your industry, take a step by setting the right goals for yourself. You’ve got this.

Happy New Year!


How to think like a business owner when planning your career

The average person is estimated to spend one-third of their life working. Ensure that you make it worthwhile by choosing a career aligned with your personality which will allow you to fulfill your purpose and passion in life. You need to understand that your career is your first small business through which you impact your society by providing a solution to an existing problem. 

Every business owner starts their business by first acquiring and assessing their resources and then converts them into products and services considered beneficial/ valuable to people. They then earn a premium determined by the value placed on the product/service by its users. The goal is to make the most of available resources to meet the needs of a group of people at the highest value. Here’s how you can apply this principle in making career decisions.

Identify the resources that allow you to contribute meaningfully in the job market/society. 

Take the time to have an honest review of yourself careerwise. Assess your personality, your interests, your values, your skills, knowledge and abilities. An honest self-assessment will help you decide which roles you are likely to thrive in and which workplaces are most suitable for you. It will also make it easier to understand and communicate your strengths and the value you bring to the table to potential employers.

Explore and assess the job market 

The worth of every product/service depends on the needs of its target audience. Finding a target audience that considers your product/service most valuable will largely determine the success of your business, in this case, your career. Find a job whose demands will allow you to shine because it matches your strengths, passion and personality. Do your research, find out what is available, and then compare your career profile with available careers on the job market. List them out and try to engage with people in your preferred career and roles. Doing this will give you a glimpse of the careers you are considering. From here, you can determine where in the job market you are most likely to flourish.

Add value and features that make the product/service competitive.

Once you are sure of which career you would like to pursue, work to build your competencies in this area, take courses, internships, join professional bodies in this field and read books and journals about your target career or job and industry. That is how you distinguish/brand yourself on the job market and increase your value. The more competent you become in your chosen field, the more valuable you become.

From here, feel free to draft a step by step plan on how to enter and grow in your chosen field. This three-step process will enable you to select a career aligned with your calling as a person. Your ability to contribute meaningfully with your skillset in an area you can excel will keep you motivated and fulfiled as you grow in your career.


5 ways successful people keep growing their career even after job loss

The period between losing your job and finding one can be a very frustrating time for anyone. No matter how bad your experience at your previous role may have been it can still be a trying time. It is recommended that you take a break in this period to reflect and plan your next steps.

Remember, not having a regular full time job does not mean that your career development is on a pause. Your career describes a journey of work and learning done in ones’ lifetime and not a single job role. Whiles you wait to find the next move you can use this time as a great opportunity to assess how far you have come in your career and how else you can improve your skills, modify your goals, enrich your knowledge and build the right connections towards your dream career. These are some ways to achieve career growth whiles waiting.

1. Take part in training courses

Using this time to learn skills relevant to your field and career growth is very important. These skills can help set you apart in your job applications and allow you apply for jobs in other areas of interest thereby increasing the number of job opportunities that you can apply for. By all means use this period to assess your knowledge, skills and abilities and identify areas that have gaps that you can fill. You may want to stick to free courses as you may have to manage your finances effectively at this time, but whatever happens make sure you can learn something new during this period.

2. Networking activities and career development events

Another important thing to do is to start attending career fairs and networking events. Get your CV reviewed, take part in interview preps, make an effort to network with individuals within your industry at these events. Attending events like these will help you learn what the current trends in recruitment are so you can structure your applications to suit what is required. Networking is highly essential, most employers trust a referred candidate. There is a hidden job market through network referrals, tap into it with your networking skills.

3. Check out Freelancing

Yep, you can always set yourself up as a freelancer and offer your services to others at a fee. Today, there are lots of platforms that match freelancers to clients. Sign up so you can earn some income whiles you wait to find the perfect job, or offer to provide services to others at a fee to others. Freelancing’s major perk is the flexibility that comes with it. If you value work-life balance then you should really consider this area of work.

4. Explore Entrepreneurship

Don’t rule out the possibility of starting your own business. Is there a hobby that you can monetize? Is there a product idea that you feel you want to introduce to the rest of the world? Do you have this great skill to deliver a certain service. Use this period to explore that possibility.

5. Volunteering and Internships

Volunteer or intern in an organisation in your industry. This is a great way to gain the highly valued experience that employers are seeking and build your network. Offer to help at no charge, however make sure it is done in the most cost effective means for your pocket.

As challenging as this period may seem, it can become a time of significant growth for your career. Keep applying, keep searching and always keep growing.

Goodluck in your search,

The HR Enthusiast.

gig economy, Uncategorized

The changing nature of work; gig economy 101

What is the gig economy?

If you have ever signed up to drive or use an Uber, Bolt or any app based taxi service then you have certainly taken part in this new transformation in the world of work known as the gig economy. The gig market or economy, peer to peer economy or platform economy all refer to a free market system where workers are engaged on temporary assignments usually called a gig. These workers could be freelancers, part-time hires, project-based workers or temporary workers. The most popular gig platforms include freelance platforms like Upwork, People per Hour and Fiverr. Others can be found in the delivery and transportation services such as Uber, Bolt and Deliveroo. In Africa, similar platforms include Cedijobs, Freelance Cape Town, NoSweat and Yango.

Interesting growth figures by the gig economy

Over the last decade, this market has seen remarkable growth. This has been largely due to an increase in technology that helps workers transact directly with clients and the shrinking of the traditional job market. Uber recorded 3.9 million drivers worldwide in December 2019 with 150,000 in Africa. In a study by the biggest freelance platform in America, freelancers in America increased by 4 million to reach 57 million between 2014 and 2019. Part of the effect of COVID-19 on work is that it has led to an increase in the demand for temporary and part-time hires. Restrictions in movement coupled with the slowing down of economic activities will very much likely lead to more workers and employers turning to the gig economy to manage the current situation.

The upsides of the gig economy

Earning money while working in the comfort of your home at your own convenient time without the stress of commute for most people is the most attractive feature of the gig economy. Others are sold on the the gig economy because it offers very flexible work arrangements which allows for all classes of workers to take part. These can include retirees, professionals with full-time jobs and low skilled workers. Being a gig worker allows you to choose what projects to work on and allows you to build a varied skill set in the process. Also most workers are happy to be able to have work life balance when they choose to work in the gig economy.

The not so great sides of the gig economy

The future of work lies in flexible work patterns, however the gig economy has often offered these flexible work options at the expense of workers’ rights and protections. Gig workers are often classified as independent contractors who do not qualify for benefits such as pensions, employer withholding taxes, paid leaves, health insurance and other benefits usually enjoyed by full-time employees who may be performing the same tasks.

Also, workers that rely on this form of work for their livelihoods have little to no job security or income security. They face intense pressure to accept whatever gigs that come their way even in undesirable conditions and wage rates.

Protecting the rights of workers on gig platforms

To address the shortcomings of the gig economy, some gig platforms such as Uber have been sued in some countries whiles other states have passed legislation to ensure that lower skilled workers especially are properly classified to protect their rights. The other good news is that some gig platforms have started putting measures in place that can protect workers on their platform. LeadGenius, a company that aims to provide better work conditions for gig workers on its platform ensures that workers receive hourly wages above the minimum wage and have access to growth opportunities that can land them a full-time employee status within the company.

As the gig economy evolves to meet labour rights and protections requirements, it can become a very good means for workers and employers to create work arrangements that fit the current economic and social realities facing the world of work today.



I am Debbie Bempong. Welcome to my new website and my first blog post.

I am a people development enthusiast. In my opinion, all Human Resource activities should be centered around ways to make employees better at what they do leading to the growth of organisations. My work in Career Programmes and Learning and Development department gave me the opportunity to take part in activities that groom employees to reach their utmost potential at work.

Most of the information will be useful to new employees trying to figure out their career paths, those hungry to make a difference early at work and those who are just curious to find out what the latest trends of work are.

This will be an insightful journey and I really look forward to helping you become your best self at work.